Career Development

Beginning 10th March 2025

Our Invitation

Coaching Development would like to invite our coaches in training and very recent graduates to take part in a monthly career development group. This group will run online for 4 months and attendance is voluntary.


With your coach training underway or complete, setting up and shaping your practice is the next step. It can be very useful to have a space to work in where you may gain new insights, learn from others, hone perspective, and plan your future work.

An Overview

This format offers a forum for sharing, action planning and accountability in setting up a coaching business. Participants are expected to share their ideas, experiences, tips and suggestions for building and developing a practice.

Each meeting begins with an accountability slot in which participants review their actions since the last meeting, continues with an open forum sharing of information, experiences, ideas and potential, and ends with each member planning actions to develop their practice. There is no fee for this.


Spring 2025 - Online
Timing 12.30pm to 1.30pm (UK)
Dates March 10th; April 14th; May 12th; June 9th.
Language UK English
Booking Please book a space to join using the link below.

Apply Now

Please book your space for the Career Development Group Sessions below.
Fields marked with * are required.
Attendance Dates*